Protein Packed Chia Seed Pudding


This is one of my favorite snacks/meals. Its so simple to make and extremely delicious. Chia seeds have endless benefits! They add a healthy boost of omega-3s and healthy fats into your diet and they keep you feeling full and energized for quite an extended period of time. You can also use seeds as a vegan egg substitute! It holds things together extremely well. Lets get to this simple and easy recipe!

Chia Seed Pudding (serving 1):

  • 2tbs Chia Seeds (I bought mine from trader joes, but now you can get them anywhere)
  • 3/4th-1 cup non dairy milk
  • 1 Mashed Banana
  • 1/2tsp of vanilla
  • dash of cinnamon
  • Any other sweeteners you’d like but the banana really sweetens it up a lot!


  1. Mash your banana up; I like leaving little chunks in mine
  2. Pour your milk in a cup or bowl
  3. Add the chia seeds and stir them in thoroughly
  4. Add the mashed banana, sweeteners, cinnamon and vanilla
  5. Put in the fridge (I usually make this overnight or make it in the morning as a snack before bed) and you can stir every couples minutes to make sure the chia seeds absorb all the milk.
  6. Take out of the fridge when you want it, top with whatever your heart desires!


In my chia pudding I added more sliced bananas, strawberries and topped it with a  Go Raw Spirulina Bar.


If you want to be fancy you can definitely layer it all pretty. There are sooo many variations to this recipe but this is just one of my favorites. Let me know if you guys try this 🙂 It makes for a great power packed meal or snack for breakfast/post workout or a snack!

Go Raw Vegan Granola Bowl



The sun has been shining and its so lovely to finally see the light again. Although, yesterday I got blown into school by a wind storm. Our weather here in New York has been hectic. One day its 65 the next its 15. Crazy. But soon (hopefully) it will be summer, and then I will no longer have to use frozen berries anymore. Getting to the meal…Sometimes I’m in a mood for something quick and easy with little time or effort. In this case granola with fresh ripened bananas, berries and kiwi sounded like a go too. 


The granola I’m using here is Go Raw’s Apple Cinnamon Granola. Their products are out of this world if you want something tasty and good for you at the same time! This granola tastes like an apple crisp pie with chunks of dried apples, buckwheat, and flax sweetened with dates and a ton of wonderful spices that bring it all together. I got lazy and decided instead of making my own buckwheat granola I could cheat a little. Since I had no almonds to make fresh almond milk I had to improvise. Heres what I came up with..


Raw Granola (homemade is idea! I’ll have a recipe coming soon)


Fresh or frozen berries

Any other fruit of choice

Dates to sweeten “Milk”

Lucuma powder or Vanilla bean

Goji Berries 


1. Place your granola in a bowl

2. Slice up your fruit and throw it in

3. To make the “milk” blend 2-3 frozen bananas with dates for sweetness and lucuma/vanilla bean powder

4. Top with goji berries and cinnamon if you’d like

Thats it! As simple as that. The milk is so creamy and frothy and it compliments the other fruits so well. It leaves you satisfied and feeling good. This is such an easy meal/snack that you could even take on the go and just pack the “milk” in a bottle. Yum! Hope you all enjoy! I know I will be having this again soon…or everyday.